
Avoid eating these foods make no deterioration in lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis
Diet and nutrition tips for people with lupus are not different than for anyone else. In general, people with lupus should eat a nutritious, well-balanced, and varied diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, moderate amounts of meat, poultry and oily fish. And the following will tell what foods should be avoided by patients with lupus and what can be eaten by lupus.

You should avoid high-sodium foods.

Sodium is an electrolyte that our body needs. But too much sodium is not good for the health of the kidney, especially the damaged kidney. The damaged kidney cannot well discharge the electrolyte and fluids. Too much sodium will cause sodium-fluids retention, which will increase swelling. Some patients with lupus nephritis may have high blood pressure. High-sodium is also a contributor of high blood pressure. So you should avoid high-sodium foods like processed foods, fast foods, restaurant foods and so on.

You should avoid high-protein foods.

The kidney is in charge of filtering the waste products and toxins as well as extra water in the blood. Protein will break down into waste product, which should be discharged by kidneys. High-protein foods will produce more waste products and this will increase the burden of kidney. So you should avoid high-protein foods. Meanwhile, high-quality protein foods should be consumed to keep normal nutritions. They will produce less waste products. Such foods includes egg white, milk, lean meat.

You should avoid high-potassium foods.

Some patients with lupus nephritis may be tested with high serum potassium. So this kind of patients should avoid high-potassium foods for not to increase potassium in blood. Such foods you should avoid includes bananas, apples, watermelons, spinach, potato, eggplant, corn, bens and so on.

You should avoid high-phosphorus foods.

Kidneys also plays an important role in keeping electrolyte balance. Because of damage caused by the deposition of immune complex, the kidney fails to keep electrolyte balance. So patients should avoid high-phosphorus foods like cheese, chocolate, ice cream, legumes, nuts and seeds.

There are no clear advice for vitamin or mineral supplements for people with lupus. Depending on the specifics of your situation, you may benefit from additional calcium or vitamin D to maintain bone mass, or from iron if anemia is a problem. I recommend that you talk with your doctor or consult online experts before beginning to take any dietary supplements.

1. Eat a low-sodium diet, especially if hypertension is an issue.

2. Drink enough fluids to stay well hydrated.

3. Avoid smoking and drink alcohol.

4. Maintain a healthy blood pressure.

5. Limit cholesterol

6. Avoid medications that can affect the kidneys, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The diet is a natural treatment for lupus nephritis. You should consult a dietitian for a correct diet or you can ask the online doctor for what foods you have to avoid when you have lupus nephritis.

Lupus nephritis can not eat the food

Lupus nephritis
No overarching diet exists for people with lupus. However, lupus is a systemic disease, so maintaining good nutritional habits will help your body remain as healthy as possible. Generally, doctors recommend a diet composed of about 50% carbohydrates, 15% protein, and 30% fat. However, since people with lupus often experience symptoms like weight loss or gain, inflammation, osteoporosis, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis, certain specific nutritional concerns may also need to be taken into consideration. If you need help managing your weight or making healthy food choices, please speak with your doctor. S/he can give you more specific information and refer you to a registered dietitian if needed.

Foods to avoid
Certain foods, including garlic and alfalfa sprouts, should be avoided by people with lupus. [For a more complete list of items to be avoided, please see the article “Things to Avoided” in the Lupus 101 section.] Recently controversy has also arisen over whether aspartame induces lupus. However, scientists have concluded that there is no evidence to suggest that aspartame causes lupus.

Stick to whole foods.

These are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes. These foods are the most nutrient dense. There are no empty calories here. Natural antioxidants in these foods will fight free radicals responsible for diseases like lupus. The higher the nutritional value of your food, the more disease fighting power there is to attack the lupus.

Eat as close to nature as possible.

This means eating foods raw whenever possible. Cooked food looses enzymes essential to good health. Fresh and frozen foods have the highest nutritional content. There is evidence that microwaving food destroys even more of the nutritional content of food than conventional cooking. If you have lupus, you need good nutrition to help you fight disease.

Avoid processed foods.

They are high calorie and low (or no) nutrition foods. Eat foods that have not been tampered with by man. Read labels and avoid purchasing foods with more than one ingredient or that have descriptive words. For instance if you read a bag of white flour, it will say enriched bleached white flour. Why do they add artificial vitamins? Because they took the real ones out!

Alfalfa seeds and sprouts should be avoided because they contain an amino acid called L-canavanine. This amino acid can aggravate the symptoms of lupus.
Animal meats, dairy, eggs, nori seaweed, and peanuts contain arachidonic acid. When used excessively, arachidonic acid can actually be destructive to the body.
Beans and mushrooms, though tasty, contain amines and hydrazines, which increase lupus symptoms.
Cured meats like hot dogs are bad because they contain components that have been proven to trigger lupus symptoms.
Eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, and white potatoes (also known as nightshade vegetables) should be avoided because they contain solanine, an agent that triggers inflammation and pain common to lupus sufferers.
Fat reduction can reduce up to 25% of the aches and pains of a lupus patient.
Herbs like andrographis, echinacea, eleutherococcus, garlic, ginseng, and Panax should be taken with caution since they are known to increase autoimmunity.
Dietary supplements for iron could promote joint destruction, pain, and swelling. Foods containing iron, however, are okay.
Oils like corn, poppy seed, safflower, and sunflower actually encourage lupus episodes, called "flares." You should replace salt with herbs. It is important to learn how to read the nutrition labels on foods you buy and also remember to stay away from excessive salt.

Weight changes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease
Often, people with lupus experience weight loss or gain due to loss of appetite, unhealthy dietary habits, or decreased energy and mobility. If you experience weight loss or loss of appetite, talk to your doctor. S/he can help you determine the cause of the problem and take strides to correct it. Weight gain can be caused by many factors, including reduced activity levels and overeating due to steroid use or increased stress. However, remember that women with lupus between the ages of 35 and 44 experience a risk of heat attack that is 50x that of the normal population. Therefore, it is very important that you try to stick to a diet that is low in cholesterol and saturated fats. A low-sodium diet is also essential for people suffering from high blood pressure.

To learn more about lupus nephritis knowledge please consult our website allows you to learn more about lupus away from harm.Email:sjzhospitalrenal@hotmail.com.

The following article lupus patients should tell you what to do in daily life

Ask the Experts is a series of educational talks and presentations on a variety of topics designed to provide you with important information about living with lupus. To listen to and download the original presentation,

The Bad
Fat: Fried foods, fast foods, and foods made with oil and butter are usually high in fat. Eating too much of these foods can increase your risk for heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Try baking or grilling foods. Think fresh foods, not fast foods.

Caffeine: Coffee, tea and soda almost always have caffeine, which can irritate your stomach and keep you awake. Cutting out caffeine gives your stomach an important rest, especially if you take lupus drugs that already bother your stomach, and can help you sleep better.

Salt: You'll need to cut back, especially if you have lupus kidney disease or high blood pressure.

Alcohol: Mixing it with drugs (even Tylenol) can be a danger to your health.

The Good
Fruits & Vegetables: These are great sources of vitamins, minerals and fiber. They should make up the majority of what you eat.

Calcium & Vitamin D: If you are taking corticosteroids to treat lupus, you are at risk for osteoporosis–a disease that weakens your bones. Low-fat yogurt, cheeses and milk are high in calcium and Vitamin D, which can make your bones stronger. Also, by drinking milk while taking certain medications, you can avoid upsetting your stomach.

Whole Grains & Wheat: Eat more wheat and whole grain breads and cereals that are high in fiber. This can prevent constipation and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Low-Fat Proteins: Fish, chicken and beans are better for you than fatty meats. Eat baked or grilled fish, like salmon and tuna that are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 oil.

Water: Drink at least 8 cups of water a day. Drinking plenty of water is good for your whole body, from your kidneys to your skin, and can help you to control hunger.

1. Will a renal diet with low protein, low potassium & low salt help decrease the protein in my urine, or does diet not impact nephritis due to lupus? How much protein is suitable for those with lupus nephritis?

There are no studies directly looking at this, but we know that protein intake that’s ok for people with healthy kidneys stresses sick kidneys. How much protein is best for you will depend on how well your kidneys function. A Registered Dietitian can work that out for you depending on your blood tests for kidney and liver function.

2. Are there some foods that might cause a flare of my lupus that I should avoid?

This has not been well studied for lupus; in rheumatoid arthritis it’s hard to prove any connection between specific foods and disease activity. Obviously if you have food allergies you should avoid those foods. Otherwise, a well-balanced diet is generally best. Diets high in fish and fish oil are relatively immunosuppressive and can help reduce inflammation.

3. What are some healthy foods to eat to help keep inflammation down?

The best studied are diets high in fatty fishes – salmon, mackerel, tuna, menhaden – are known to reduce inflammation. So can fish oils containing “omega-3” fatty acids called EPA and DHA, and evening primrose oil. Also, green tea and green tea extracts can help reduce oxidative stress caused by inflammation, and maybe reduce tissue damage.

4. I have been told that those with lupus should not eat red meat. Why is this?
There’s no scientific evidence for that. If you have kidney disease, red meat can give you more protein than your kidneys can handle. If you have high cholesterol or triglycerides, red meat can raise these further. But on the other hand, if you have inflammation in your body you need more protein than when you’re healthy. So the bottom line is to eat a well-balanced diet. If you’re not sure how much you should be eating, ask your doctor to refer you to a Registered Dietitian for a consultation.

5. Is gluten free diet useful for Lupus patients?

If you also have celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is critical. Otherwise, there is no evidence that gluten worsens or improves inflammation in any other autoimmune disease such as lupus. If you haven’t been tested for celiac disease, there is a blood test that can be done to check on it.

6. There is so much conflicting information regarding the benefits vs. the unnecessary use of vitamin supplements. How can one tell when diet alone provides sufficient vitamins and minerals, when a multi-vitamin is a good idea, and when specific supplements should be taken (i.e. Take calcium to prevent osteoporosis)?

There’s clearly no harm to taking a general multi-vitamin, which gives about one times the recommended dietary allowance of a dozen or more vitamins. It may not do much good, but it’s harmless and not too expensive. In addition, certain minerals are usually not present in sufficient quantities in the average Western diet. Calcium, the one you bring up, is typical – the current guidelines suggest taking 1200 mg/d for premenopausal women, but most women who don’t drink milk don’t get that much. Iron may be another one – especially if you don’t eat much red meat. So taking a multivitamin with iron and a couple of Tums per day is a good way to stay on top of these nutrients.

7. Are there any natural herbs a person with lupus should avoid? I would like to take several herbs for inflammation but don't know if they are safe.

I would avoid Echinacea, which is an immune stimulant, and saw palmetto (if you’re a man). Garlic and ginseng, which are the most commonly sold herbal supplements, probably don’t have an effect on lupus but I don't know of any studies on them. There are so many herbal supplements on the market, and they change all the time. Moreover, Consumer Reports did a study a few years ago that showed that many supplements do not contain what they purport to. In the absence of evidence of benefit in lupus, I would not recommend taking any supplement without a doctor’s support.

8. Sometimes I have an appetite but most days I don't have an appetite and have to force myself to eat. Someone suggested trying juicing my fruits & veggies as a substitute during times when I am too nauseated to eat whole foods. Is this a good way to go? Rocky Mount, NC

Yes, that’s fine. You can drink as many calories as you can eat. You can add some protein powder to this to round out your diet. If you tolerate milk, then milkshakes, ice cream, etc. are also good. You don’t say if your weight is low, normal, or too high, but if your weight is stable, you’re eating enough calories – don’t force yourself too much.

9. I became a vegetarian after SLE diagnose because of having trouble digesting meat. Since I'm having problems with dairy I'm considering going Vegan. Anything I should worry about or special nutritional considerations (like supplements that should be added) when eating a vegetarian diet when you have Lupus? Portage, MI & Pickrell, NE

Yes, you need to take a multivitamin with vitamin B12, which only comes from animal sources. Otherwise you might develop anemia and nerve damage. Also, it’s important to mix your sources of protein so that you get complete proteins – for example rice and beans, or corn and wheat. Animal proteins, dairy, and eggs are complete proteins, but vegetable proteins generally low in one or more amino acids, which makes them inadequate as sole sources of protein.

10. Are artificial sweeteners safe to consume with lupus? Is there one that is better than another? New Hartford, NY

People have been trying to figure out if artificial sweeteners are harmful for decades. So far, there’s no evidence to demonstrate harm. The alternative – sugar – is not harmless either, especially if you take steroids like prednisone. I would alternate all of them – why not hedge your bets?

11. What are the recommendations for quantity of omega-3 intakes? Montreal, Canada

For heart protection, 1-2 g per day is sufficient. For anti-inflammatory treatment, 2-3 g per day is probably most effective.

12. Please advise on the best solution for a diet that you would recommend helping lose the weight that has accumulated due to the medications for lupus like Benlysta, prednisone, Plaquenil etc. Miami, FL & Albertville, AL

The medication that really causes weight gain is prednisone. The others don’t seem to have a major effect. For anyone trying to lose weight – regardless of whether they have lupus or not – the only way is to eat fewer calories than you burn. You need to find out how many calories that is for you, and then figure out how to eat less than that. I suggest you ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian to help you develop a plan for weight loss.

13. Are monitored weight control programs like Medifast, Nutrisystem, Weight Watchers, etc. considered safe for those with lupus? Lititz, PA

Yes, as long as you work with your doctor while following the diet. Let your doctor know what you’re planning and have your lupus monitored as you proceed. It should be fine.

14. I have had some significant GI and colon issues with my lupus having 3 major flares in the past 5 months. This is very painful and I am anxious to avoid it again at all costs. I'm doing pre & pro biotics. Are there any alterations to my diet that I may need to make to augment my treatment plan? Shasta, CA

You don’t say what your colon issues are, so I can’t be sure, but I wonder about whether you’re getting enough fiber. I suggest you get your doctor to refer you to a Registered Dietitian to assess your fiber intake. Also, you can have both lupus and inflammatory bowel disease – has your doctor evaluated you for that?

15. Can tea decrease inflammation in the body? If so, are there specific teas that work better? Yakima, WA

Yes, that green tea and green tea extracts offer antioxidant protection. Whether they actually reduce inflammation is less clear, but to the extent that inflammation causes tissue damage partly through causing oxidative stress, there is a good rationale for trying green tea. The amount to take is not really known, but a couple of cups a day would be a reasonable start.

We really can help you more. Leave message on below or Email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com with your detailed disease condition,we are glad to offer you more professional guidance as soon as possible for free.

How to avoid the daily life of lupus nephritis

Lupus Nephritis
Lupus Nephritis is one kind of kidney damage caused by Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). SLE means an immune system disorder which leads damages to skin, joints, brain and kidneys. It’s a stubborn disease, so what should patients note?
1. Prevention and cure complications
lupus nephritis is a special disease, patients with lupus nephritis are easy appear some severe complications, such as infection, cardiovascular complication,Osteonecrosis of the Femeral Head and so o. Some complications even threaten patients life. The key of reduce complications are reasonable use the medicine of anti-lupus, regular take a test and so on.
2. Prevent lupus nephritis relapse
If lupus nephritis always relapse, it will harmful to patients body. So, for patients with lupus nephritis, the key is keep their condition steady and far away from the dangerous of relapse. Any infection, strength sunshine, touch chemicals or pregnancy all can cause lupus nephritis relapse. For female patients, they should avoid pregnancy before their condition steady. If they really need pregnancy should under their doctor guidance.

Note the daily diet
 a, containing vitamin E rich food is the wheat germ, valley embryos, vegetable oil, cod liver oil, meat and eggs, milk and cream, lettuce leaf, citrus, etc. According to TCM syndrome differentiation type different, choose different food. Toxic heat ChiCheng type, appropriate heat nourish "Yin", can eat more cool and refreshing and food, such as watermelon, four, honeysuckle, kindhearted YiRen, pear, lotus root, medlar, medlar, maree head, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, wax gourd, bananas, etc. Deficiency of both qi (Yin) type, appropriate did raise blood gas (Yin), can eat rubbing (Yin blood) food, such as duck, duck egg, turtle, American ginseng, astragalus membranaceus, yam, kindhearted YiRen, white lentils, HeTaoRou, black sesame seed, medlar, GuiYuanRou, big jujube, etc.

Note 2, high quality high protein food: a kidney damage sle patients often have a large number of protein in the urine from lost, can cause hypoalbuminemia, so must add enough of high-quality protein, can drink the milk, eat bean products, eggs, lean lean, rich in fish protein food.

Note 3, to control the fat content of special diet to reduce intake of high fat meat, such as beef, lamb, pork, etc, also avoid oil Fried food. Should supply high protein and low salt diet. Animal protein and high quality protein is given priority to, such as lean lean, all kinds of creatures such as fish, also can use skim milk 2 times a day in every 250 ml, according to different types of lupus nephritis and clinical manifestation edema, high blood pressure levels, using different low salt diet, such as nephrotic syndrome dosage should be lower than the edema salt 3 grams per day.

Pay attention to four, low salt food: the application of cortical hormone or kidney damage of the patients can cause water, sodium retention, cause oedema, reason to low salt diet.

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And experts to discuss the impact of diabetic nephropathy tomatoes

Diabetic nephropathy
Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy often experience proteinuria and swelling; and some may also have combined with high blood pressure. As for the patients, proper dietary plan is very essential in protecting their kidneys and slowing down kidney condition aggravation.

In fact, tomato is a very healthy food to our body, but to patients with kidney disease, they should also be careful when they take it.

Benefits of tomato for patients with kidney disease

Preventing cardiovascular disease: tomato has abundant lycopene, which has well antioxidation. This function of tomato can prevent the accumulation of lipid polymer in vessel wall, which is in favor of preventing angiosclerosis and angiemphraxis, and that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease greatly. Besides, there is a substance which is called P3 in tomato, which is helpful in preventing the coagulation of blood plate, and that is beneficial to the prevention of thrombus.

As we know, patients with kidney disease often have cardiovascular disease, which is also a major reason of death cases. While eating tomato is a good choice in preventing this aspect.

Diuresis: there are abundant potassium and alkaline substances in tomato, which are helpful in promoting the excretion of sodium, and that is beneficial to relieve edema and reduce hypertension. As we know, patients with kidney disease often have edema and hypertension, while this benefit is very useful for kidney disease patients.

Promoting digestion: the organic acids in tomato can promote the excretion of gastric juice, which is helpful in the digestion of fat and protein. And these substances can also improve the gastrointestinal function, which is helpful in the recovery of gastrointestinal diseases. Besides, eating tomato is also helpful in preventing and treating constipation.

Kidney disease patients often have gastrointestinal problems, and they often lose appetite. While this function is helpful in improving this aspect.

Other benefits: tomato also has many other benefits to our health. For example, it is very helpful in anti-aging. It is also very beneficial in preventing cancer. Besides, tomato is also helpful in anti-inflammation, replenishing blood, etc.


Kidney disease patients should be careful when they eating tomato. Because if they has not take tomato properly, it may also take bad effects to them.

there is abundant potassium in tomato, while patients with kidney disease often have hyperkalemia. If patients who have hyperkalemia take too much tomato, that will aggravate their condition.

The above is the general principles that Diabetic Nephropathy patients need to follow. Due to different illness condition, exact dietary principles for Diabetic Nephropathy patients may vary from one to one. Therefore, do not follow others patients' diet casually and try to find the diet that suitable for you.

Coffee for patients with diabetic nephropathy is beneficial

Diabetic nephropathy
Coffee is a kind of drink that is mainly made by coffee bean. Once brewed,it can be served in a variety of ways. It may be sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetener. When served cold, it is called iced coffee. There are a lot of coffee lovers in the world,including some patients with kidney disease. Contact ONLINE DOCTOR to get more details quickly and directly for free.

Diabetic Nephropathy is a kind of secondary disease caused long-term diabetes. Patients’ capillaries all over the body will be damaged and many severe symptoms and complications will also appear. It is the most important complications of diabetes. Due to its complicated metabolic disorders,Diabetic Nephropathy is more intractable than other kinds of kidney diseases. So for patients with diabetes,the timely prevention plays an important role in delaying the advancing of Diabetic Nephropathy.

about 40% of diabetics develops Diabetic Nephropathy. And in general, microalbuminuria is the initial symptom of Diabetic Nephropathy, and patients usually have high blood sugar and high blood pressure. if the condition can not be controlled well, it can develop into Renal Failure, in that case, dialysis or kidney transplant will be recommended in many countries. Healthy diets can slow the development of the condition to some extent.

the heart beat. If a person drink too much coffee, his blood pressure may increase and he will have difficulty in sleeping at night. Coffee can stimulate the gastric mucosa and increase the secretion of mucosa, which can aggravate the kidneys’ burden.

The general consensus in the medical community is that moderate regular coffee drinking in healthy individuals is either essentially benign or mildly beneficial. Moreover,habitual coffee consumption is associated with improved vascular function. Besides,coffee can also improve endothelial function. However,Excessive amounts of coffee can cause very unpleasant and even life-threatening adverse effects.Coffee's adverse effects are more common when taken in excess. Many of coffee's health risks are due to its caffeine content.

For patients with Diabetic Nephropathy,it is not good for them to take more coffee. The too much intake of coffee will increase the renal burden or stimulate the renal damage. Besides,high calories in coffee may effect patients physical condition or even worsen their disease condition. A healthy diet is necessary for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to follow.

What is more, coffee is not good for controlling blood sugar level. Coffee can lower the secretion of insulin, increase insulin excretion and reduce glucose tolerance and increase blood sugar level.

It will cause more greater harms to the body if you drink coffee together with alcohol. Alcohol can affect the functions of stomach, intestine, heart, liver and brain and cause metabolic disorder. The brain will be in a highly inhibitory state. While coffee will on the other hand activate the brain. The opposite effects of coffee and alcohol will disturb the functions of the brain.

Leave message on below or Email to sjzkidneyhospital@hotmail.com with your detailed disease condition,we are glad to offer you more professional guidance for you as soon as possible for free.

May you are healthier.

The impact of celery for patients with diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy
We know daily diet plays an important role in one’s life, especially in kidney disease patients. And hypertensive nephropathy patients are eager to know whether they can eat celery in their daily diet.
Celery is a green vegetable that has many medicinal benefits, because it is packed with an assortment of the essential minerals and vitamins that the body needs to function properly. In addition, this vegetable also contains many other useful substances, which determines celery is good to ordinary people, but the answer to “is celery good to people with kidney disease” changes along with different patients’ condition.
Patients with diabetic nephropathy can eat celery . Choose whole grains , such as cornmeal staple , however , buckwheat , oats noodles. Also, try to eat the recommended low- glycemic index vegetables such as cucumbers , tomatoes, and other vegetables . Diabetic nephropathy is a common complication of diabetes , is one of systemic diabetic microvascular disease manifestations, clinical features of proteinuria , progressive renal dysfunction , hypertension , edema and other symptoms , late severe renal failure, diabetes is a major one of the causes of death . Diabetic nephropathy is more common in patients with diabetes duration of more than 10 years , proteinuria is the earliest manifestations of diabetic nephropathy . So Diabetic nephropathy is very scary , but that's not to say that terminally ill , diabetic nephropathy is completely curable , as long as able to accept reasonable and timely treatment. Let us introduce diabetic patients with nephropathy due attention to what diet :
( 1 ) vitamin supplements. Add some vitamins, including folate , primarily the treatment of anemia .
( 2 ) a high carbohydrate content and can eat cellulose ;
( 3 ) can eat more food high in dietary fiber foods such as buckwheat , oats , beans and other vegetables .
( 4 ) the sugar content of 3 % or less of vegetables such as : cabbage , cabbage , spinach , rape, leek, fennel dish, Abutilon tarragon, celery, kohlrabi , lettuce shoots, zucchini , tomato, melon , bitter gourd, cucumber, eggplant , gourd, kale , scoop dish, Narinosa vegetables, water spinach , amaranth , asparagus , green bean sprouts , mushrooms , seaweed and other flooding .
(5). Celery can eliminate swelling working as a diuretic.

Celery contains the diuretic ingredient, which can eliminate accumulation of water or sodium in the body. The swelling or edema in hypertensive nephropathy patients will disappear.

(3). Celery has the role of digestive aid.

Working as a diuretic and antiseptic, celery can filter toxins from your body. In this case, the appetite of hypertensive nephropathy patients is improved greatly. A good appetite is also good for patients’ illness conditions, so they can eat some celery.

In patients with diabetic nephropathy usually can not eliminate foods containing protein , but not over- eat , so the amount of the best. Diabetic patients daily amount of protein per kilogram of body weight 1g appropriate. 2-3 times a week to eat fish protein , can improve blood vessel elasticity and permeability, increased urinary sodium excretion, thereby lowering blood glucose . Good healthy diet to restore the work to reduce the extent of the damage in patients with diabetic nephropathy has great significance , therefore , in patients with diabetic nephropathy usually have to eat more foods containing potassium , but also the amount of protein intake to promote their rehabilitation process smoothly. Friends know where patients under treatment of early diabetic nephropathy how or necessary .
Some other people with Purpura Nephritis aren’t recommended this vegetable, either, because allergic purpura often damages the stomach and intestine. The foods contains high fiber will increase the workload on the stomach and intestine. Therefore, patients with the problems of stomach and intestine should also avoid celery

Want to learn more knowledge of diabetic nephropathy, please consult our website contact with experts


Effects of alcohol on patients with chronic kidney disease

chronic kidney diseases
A healthy diet can help CKD  patients slow the progression of disease and make the kidneys work better. As we know, for kidney disease patients, they need to limit their daily diet and know exactly about what to eat or drink and what not to eat or drink. Red wine is favored by many people all over the world and drinking red wine has lots of benefits for people. However, kidney disease patients should drinking red wine depending on their illness condition.

For common people, right amount of alcohol intake can reduce the risk of heart disease. Red wine is considered to contain substances which are protective to heart and blood vessels. However, in spite of this, alcohol can not be considered as a way to prevent disease. Too much of alcohol can do great harm to people’s health. For CKD patients, they had better avoid drinking alcohol because it can damage the kidney further.

Here are some common benefits of drinking red wine for kidney disease patients.

1. Anti-coagulation
Take proper red wine can also help kidney disease patients prevent the formation of blood clots, which can make a good blood environment for kidney disease patients.

2. Lower cholesterol level
Resveratrol in red wine can also help prevent fat accumulation and lower cholesterol level, which can help reduce the kidney burden and prevent the further damage to kidneys.

3 Boost immune system
Drinking red wine can also improve the immune system for kidney disease patients, and it can help prevent the cold or infections, which can help kidney disease patients prevent their kidney damage.

4. Anti-inflammatory
Red wine contains resveratrol which have the function of anti-inflammation, and this can help kidney disease patients get rid of infections and help them prevent the further damage to kidneys.

5. Prevent cardiovascular disease
Cardiovascular disease is a common complication for kidney disease patients, and it is a high risk for kidney disease patients to cause death. Red wine can help raise the good HDL cholesterol levels and reduce the bad LDL cholesterol levels, and this can help reduce the high risk of cardiovascular disease.

“Alcohol and caffeine have a diuretic effect, causing the kidneys to make more urine,” But if you are drinking too much alcohol or caffeine and not enough water or other liquids, you can dehydrate.” Dehydration leads to more concentrated urine, allowing substances to collect into kidney stones

Alcohol can cause deterioration of CKD. It can stimulate the liveness of polycystin and accelerate secretion of cyst fluid and promote the growth of the cyst. For CKD patients, the kidneys have already been damaged. if they drink too much alcohol, the organic nitrogen balance will be influenced. In that case, the levels of protein decomposition and blood urea nitrogen increase, which then adds to burden of the kidneys. For healthy people, this may not be serious, but for CKD patients, there is no doubt the recovery of condition will be influenced.

Want to learn more knowledge of kidney disease, please consult our web site to communicate with our experts to get more knowledge

Is watermelon juice good for CKD patient

Is watermelon juice good for CKD patient? So many patients with Chronic Kidney Disease has consulted a similar question in our website, because they pretty love its taste. How about the answer?

If patients have chronic glomerulonephritis, watermelon juice can help slow the progression of kidney disease. Glomerulonephritis usually results from inflammatory reactions within glomeruli, while potassium has certain effect of alleviating inflammatory reactions. Therefore, watermelon juice can help treat glomerulonephritis.

If patients have high blood pressure, watermelon juice is one good drink. Citrulline and arginine in watermelon can increase the formation of urea in liver so as to raise urine output. Meanwhile, extra fluid and sodium can be eliminated out of the body for lowering high blood pressure. In addition, watermelon seed contains a soap sample composition that also has an effect of lowering high blood pressure.

If patients have anemia, try to drink correct amount of watermelon juice. When kidneys fail to work, they can’t produce enough erythropoietin (EPO) and the body can’t produce enough red blood cells. Besides, the build up of toxins will shorten the life span of red blood cells. Therefore, renal anemia occurs easily. Watermelon juice can help eliminate toxins and supplement iron so that it can help treat anemia.

To improve kidney function is another benefit of watermelon juice, because its rich vitamin C and other antioxidants. These substances can help boost patients’ immune system and enhance kidney function.

If patients’ CKD is due to diabetes,  watermelon juice may be something you want to drink. Some experts claim  watermelon juice is able to treat type 2 diabetes, but no exact research has determine the amount. Therefore, if you have both kidney disease and diabetes, you had better consult the online doctor how much you can drink one daily.

Even though watermelon juice can bring so many health benefits for kidney disease, it doesn’t mean all kidney disease patients can drink watermelon juice. If patients’ kidney disease is due to diabetes or they have high potassium level, they must limit their intake of watermelon and watermelon juice.

From this analysis, we can know whether CKD patients can drink watermelon juice is determined by patients’ illness condition. To know how much you can drink it one day, you had better tell the doctor online your medical condition and then he can give you the answer.

Walnut impact on chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease
In Chronic Kidney Disease, the kidneys are unable to remove the waste material from the body. Hence avoiding further damage becomes urgently necessary. People with CKD are advised to eat proper foods. Are walnuts OK to eat for kidney patients?

Firstly, let's have a look at the nutritions contained in Walnuts.

* They are an excellent source of proteins. A 1-oz. serving of them -- approximately one handful -- contains 4 g of protein.

* They supply omega-3 fatty acids, which are health fats that can encourage the health of the heart and also reduces inflammation.

* They contain fiber, which helps reduce LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, and protect against heart disease and some types of cancer.

chronic kidney failure patients should eat it carefully for its rich potassium and phosphorus. When kidneys can’t eliminate extra potassium and phosphorus from the body normally, excessive amount of potassium and phosphorus will build up in the blood that will cause many other problems such as irregular heartbeat and skin itching. In this case, chronic kidney failure patients should control their intake of potassium-containing and phosphorus-containing foods. From this point, kidney patients are recommended to make sure how much Persian walnut they can eat, before eating it.

Benefits of walnut for hair. With the progress of chronic kidney failure, patients are more likely to suffer from hair loss. Micro nutrients in walnuts can help prevent hair fall from happening and strong hair.

From the above information, we can see that CKD patients can eat walnuts for better health. However, people with elevated potassium and phosphorus levels should limit or avoid them. You can chat with our online doctor for the proper amount of walnuts in your disease condition!

Eating right is very essential for people with CKD. If you sill have any question, feel free to leave a message in the below or Email us at sjzhospitalrenal@hotmail.com

Eat plant seeds to treat kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease
People with Chronic kidney disease should follow a healthy diet. The kidney’s job is to filter bloodstream. When the kidneys don’t function properly, there are certain minerals and wastes that are no longer filtered. Eating properly and avoiding foods that are harmful can help renal disease patients protect their kidneys and avoid complications. Seeds and nuts are common foods in our daily life. When diagnosed as kidney disease, can people eat nuts and seeds?

Nuts and kidney health

As is suggested, nutrients from nuts include 36% protein, 58.8% fat and carbohydrate 72.6%. In addition, nuts also provide vitamins (vitamin B and vitamin E), mineral elements such as phosphorus, calcium, iron and zinc, and dietary fibers. People with Chronic kidney disease need to restrict their intake of proteins because an excessive protein intake produces more urea nitrogen to worsen renal condition. Kidney disease also requires low sodium because excessive sodium will retain water and raise blood pressure. Processed nuts which contain rich sodium should thus be avoided for kidney disease patients.

While there is a high fat content, the fat in peanuts is mostly unsaturated fat, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat; healthier types of fat than saturated fat. Fibers from nuts may help to stabilize blood sugar and lower blood cholesterol levels. Nuts, such as peanuts, are also a good source of proteins. People at earlier stages of kidney diseases are allowed to eat nuts; however, if they develop into advanced stages, nuts should be restricted because of the phosphorus and potassium provided.

An Accredited Practicing Dietitian experienced in the area of diet and kidney disease can explain how it all works and help plan your meals. This Dietitian will take into account how you are feeling, your age, lifestyle, weight, muscle size, health and blood test results. 

Seeds and kidney health

Pumpkin contains many nutritions such as starch, protein, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, etc. However, pumpkin is also rich in potassium and phosphorous, the intake of which should be taken consideration by dialysis patients. Due to damaged kidney function, the electrolyte balance is broken and the levels of potassium and phosphorous are abnormal, which can cause many complications such as itchy skin, numbness, vomiting and abnormal heart rhythm. 

What are the advantages of pumpkin?
- Polysaccharides: It is a nonspecific immune enhancer, and it can stimulate the formation of cytokines and regular the immune system by activating the compliments. Therefore, dialysis patients will have a strong immunity and can be protected from being catching a cold or infection.
- Carotenoid: Carotenoid can be transformed into vitamin A that is related to the growth and differentiation of epithelial tissue. Carotenoid is beneficial for the development of vision and bones.
- Mineral elements: Pumpkin is high in calcium but low in sodium, and thus is a good choice for patients who have high blood pressure.
- Amino acids: Pumpkins contain many essential amino acids and high levels of immunoglobulins, which are essential for the repairing of cells

such as pumpkin, sunflower or watermelon seeds, provide rich purine. So seeds are unwise choices if people have gout disease or already high uric acid. In addition to this, seeds such as sunflower and watermelon seeds contain rich fat, proteins, zinc, proteins and various types of vitamins, which are helpful for boosting digestive function and improve your appetite. Certain compounds from seeds may benefit kidney disease patients. For instance, grape seed exact which comes from the seeds and skin of the red grape is a known antioxidant that fights against free radical damage. The bioflavenoids from seeds also help to strengthen blood vessels and encourage blood flow.

The benefits of seeds also include other aspects. For instance, sunflower seeds contain rich unsaturated fatty acids which lower serum cholesterol level and prevent occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. Seed products are beneficial for kidney health, and people may seek for an expert doctor’s guidance for a proper eating plan and maintain a balanced diet to boost your health status.


Impact of alcohol on patients with polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney disease
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder in which many fluid-filled sacs (cysts) form in both kidneys. The kidneys are larger than usual, but have less functioning kidney tissue. As a person with PKD ages, the cysts grow larger and a reduction of blood flow and scarring of the kidneys results. Kidney stones sometimes develop, and eventually it is likely that a person will develop kidney failure.

The genetic defect that causes PKD also can cause cysts to develop in other organs, such as the liver, colon, and pancreas. Sometimes the heart valves also are affected. Diverticulosis is common in people with PKD. In children with the recessive form of PKD, the abdomen will protrude from the large cysts. The liver, pancreas, and spleen also are affected by the autosomal recessive form of PKD.

Most infants with the recessive form of PKD will have failure to thrive and will remain smaller than average size throughout childhood. Severely affected newborns may die shortly after birth from kidney failure, which then leads to poor development of the lungs. Children with this recessive form of PKD usually develop high pressure in the blood vessels connecting the intestines and the liver, and eventually both kidney and liver failure result. These children must eat a very nutritionally balanced diet, sometimes with commercial nutrition supplements, to increase growth. In addition, sometimes growth hormones are used.

The dominant form of PKD develops very slowly, with symptoms starting in early or middle adulthood. Symptoms include pain in the abdomen or flank, blood in the urine, headaches, frequent urination, and cramping pain from the development of kidney stones. In fully developed autosomal dominant PKD, the kidney may weigh as much as 30 pounds. Frequent urinary tract infections worsen kidney failure. At least half of all people with PKD will have hypertension at the time of diagnosis. As many as 10% of people with PKD have brain aneurysms, which often lead to strokes.

No diet will prevent the formation of cysts. A moderate, low-sodium diet to prevent obesity and hypertension, which can lead to serious complications, is recommended for many patients with PKD.

Common lab tests
Creatinine is used as a measure of kidney function. It is a waste product of muscle breakdown, and excretion is decreased as kidney function worsens. A doubling of creatinine level represents a 50% decrease in kidney function. It is unaffected by dietary protein intake.

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
BUN is another lab test used to measure kidney function. A high BUN level is known as “uremia.” Causes may include increased protein intake, dehydration, and some medical conditions. Symptoms of uremia can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and confusion. A decreased level results from decreased dietary protein intake, loss of protein, and overhydration.
Alkaline phosphatase (alk phos)
Alk phos is a type of protein found in bone, kidneys, intestines, teeth, and plasma. It is released from bone when calcium is withdrawn from the skeleton, so increased levels mean that rate of bone turnover and demineralization has increased.

Hemoglobin and hematocrit (Hgb and Hct)
Hemoglobin is the protein-iron compound that carries oxygen in the blood. Levels are decreased with renal disease. When levels are low, physicians often prescribe either iron supplementation or erythropoietin (EPO), which is a hormone produced by the kidney that promotes the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. Hematocrit is a measure of packed cell volume as a percent of total blood volume. Low levels result from decreased EPO production or less maturation of red blood cells. It also is caused by blood loss. High levels usually result from getting too much EPO.

Low calcium levels can result in tingling fingers, abdominal cramps, convulsions and tetany, and cardiac arrest. High calcium levels can cause muscle weakness, lethargy, and coma. Some people with PKD require calcium supplementation.

Alcohol and PKD
No major studies have looked at alcohol consumption and PKD. When looking at other kidney diseases, alcohol does not seem to have much of an impact. Lifestyle factors, such as tobacco use, physical activity, and obesity, most likely have more of an impact than alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol is linked to hypertension, which is known to accelerate the decline in kidney function. Even light amounts of alcohol consumption drank on a regular basis seems to increase blood pressure.

If you are on medication for your blood pressure, you should know that alcohol can interfere with these drugs. Alcohol consumption can damage kidney function, especially if you also have liver disease. Alcohol consumption may adversely affect the regulation of fluids and electrolytes by the kidneys. Chronic intake of large amounts of alcohol can lead to kidney and liver failure.

Proper dietary and nursing care play an important role for management of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and slowing down progression of the illness condition. Drinking alcohol is what many people like, well then, when diagnosed as PKD, should people continue to drink alcohol?

People with Polycystic Kidney Disease are suggested to stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol can do harm to the health in PKD people in various ways. As we have known, PKD is an inborn kidney disorder characterized by clusters of cysts existing in the kidneys. The enlarging kidney cysts can oppress surrounding renal tissues, cause renal ischemia, elevate blood pressure and damage the kidneys. Management of high blood pressure is a tough job for PKD because hypertension worsens damage on the kidneys. Drinking alcohol can raise people’s blood pressure thus making BP difficult to be controlled.



The impact of kidney disease in patients with celery

Kidney disease
Celery is a typically healthy vegetable in our daily life. Because of its good taste and rich nutritions, celery can help deal with various disorders and many people pretty love to eat this vegetable.

Is celery good to people with kidney disease? Since the patients are recommended a strict diet, they must prudently eat every food which the doctor doesn’t suggest. To some patients who pretty love to eat celery, the following answer must be their concern if their doctor or dietitian may not tell them whether they can eat celery.

Celery is a green vegetable that has many medicinal benefits, because it is packed with an assortment of the essential minerals and vitamins that the body needs to function properly. In addition, this vegetable also contains many other useful substances, which determines celery is good to ordinary people, but the answer to “is celery good to people with kidney disease” changes along with different patients’ condition.

To the patient with high blood pressure but no other severe complications, celery is good. The reason is that it contains pthalides, which can help lower high blood pressure, through relaxing the muscles around the arteries and allowing vessels to dilate. High blood pressure is more likely to aggravate patients’ condition. Eating correct amount of celery is able to help control blood pressure.

Besides, celery also contains potassium that determines some patients with high potassium level should limit the intake of celery. High potassium level is very common for patients with kidney disease especially advanced disease. If the patients’ test shows their potassium level is higher than the normal, celery isn’t suitable to them.

Some other people with Purpura Nephritis aren’t recommended this vegetable, either, because allergic purpura often damages the stomach and intestine. The foods contains high fiber will increase the workload on the stomach and intestine. Therefore, patients with the problems of stomach and intestine should also avoid celery.

For people on dialysis, they are more likely to develop some other disorders such as less urine, high blood pressure, edema, build up of waste products like creatinine and BUN and some other symptoms.

In this condition, eating celery may bring them some benefits. Firstly, because celery contains effective ingredients, apiin, bergapen and essential oil, it can help prevent or treat high blood pressure, high blood fat and atherosclerosis. All of these symptoms are common for patients on dialysis. If you have one of them, celery may be a good choice.

Secondly, dialysis patients usually have less urine that causes fluid and sodium retention easily. Then, swelling appears along with. If dialysis patients still have enough urine, celery can help increase their urine volume and ease swelling. However, if patients don’t have any urine, excess celery will increase the workload on damaged kidneys.

In above, we can know that the answer to “is celery good to people with kidney disease” is various according to patients’ specific condition. If you are a celery lover, you should selectively choose to eat or avoid it.

Can people with kidney disease drink fresh coconut water

kidney failure
Can people with kidney disease drink fresh coconut water? Recently, some people have consulted us this question, so we would like to tell them whether they can drink young coconut water.

Coconut water is nutritious clear liquid inside the coconut fruit which is packed with vitamins and minerals. There is usually more water in a young coconut, because the water is replaced by the white flesh gradually as it matures. Therefore, people with kidney disease but no symptoms are recommended to drink the coconut water that are harvested off when the coconut are still young and green.

As the most nutrient dense part of the coconut, coconut oil is claimed to help with diabetes, cancer, kidney function, digestive disorders, immunity, weight loss, and vitamin absorption. For people with kidney failure, diabetes may be the primary causes, and the other disorders may be the complications of impaired kidney. Therefore, coconut oil can be used to ease patients’ symptoms and preserve their kidney function.
Does it mean these patients can use this oil without limitation?
Of course no. For kidney failure patients, their diet is usually very strict, because any mistake in their diet may worsen their illness condition or cause some problems. Therefore, even though coconut oil is good for kidney failure patients, they should also use it with doctor’s or dietitian’s guidance.

Many studies have shown that young coconut water has a good antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity effect. For people with kidney disease, they are more susceptible to infections and inflammatory. Therefore, drinking moderate amount of coconut water is good for them.

Because some substances in the coconut water have a function of diuretic, they can prompt kidney disease patients to make more urine. As a result, more wastes and toxins will be removed from the body. However, if you can’t make sure, you are not suggested to drink it.

The coconut water is quite similar to intracellular fluid, so drinking it can supply enough fluid to the kidney cells, boost patients’ energy, increase the blood volume, prevent skin problems, etc. With more energy, patients can fight against their disease better.

Rich in potassium and other minerals, coconut water can help regulate electrolyte imbalance and replenish and rehydrate the body. It has been commonly used to treat dehydration due to dysentery, cholera, diarrhea and stomach flu and electrolyte imbalance.

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Seafood influence on kidney disease

Seafood influence on kidney disease
Some patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) want to know if they can eat fish or if fish is good for them. Here we will make a detailed introduction to answer this question.

As it is known to us, fish is a kind of most popular food in our daily life. Fish contains many kinds of nutrients, such as high-quality protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, etc. The patients with chronic kidney disease have the symptom of loss of protein, so they need add the intake of high-quality protein. Why must it be high-quality protein? Let’s see the followings:

High-quality protein is more prone to producing fewer wastes during decomposing. Patients with CKD have something wrong with their kidney filtration. Their kidneys can’t filter the wastes well. So fewer wastes produced are good for patients with CKD. The protein is composed of amino acid, which is divided into essential amino acid and non-essential amino acid. Essential amino acid means that it can’t be produced by function of human body and can only be taken in from the food. However, for non-essential amino acid, we can not only produce it by our function of human, but also can take it in from the food. So essential amino acid contained by high quality protein is more important for our health.

Shrimp is a kind of delicious seafood and also has many health benefits. However,can patients with kidney disease eat shrimp?

Whether the patients can eat shrimp varies from individual to individual. The patients with Purpura Nephritis should avoid eating shrimp.This is because seafood is a common allergen which can trigger the disease flare.

In other cases of kidney disease,the patients are not prohibited to eat shrimp,but they should keep moderate consumption.Shrimp and other seafoods are rich in high-quality proteins which are good protein option for the patients with Kidney Disease.However,these seafoods can aggravate inflammatory response in kidneys and may worsen kidney function. If the patients are at recovery stage from Nephritis, it is a wise choice to keep moderate consumption of shrimp.It can help improve the patients’ nutrition status.

For the patients with chronic kidney disease(CKD),the daily recommended protein intake depends on kidney damage degree and severity of proteinuria.If the patients do not have reduced renal function, recommended daily protein consumption is 0.6~0.8 grams/kg per body weight. In this case, shrimp is a good source of proteins for the patients. If the patients suffer declined renal function,they should limit protein intake and shrimp consumption moderately.

From the above, we can conclude that patients with chronic kidney disease should eat fish but mustn’t eat too much. The best way is you should consult your doctor about your protein intake. Also, you can send your test report to our nephrologists and get free diet advice.

Benefits of tomato for patients with kidney disease

Benefits of tomato for patients with kidney disease
Patients with kidney disease have many strict restrictions in their diet, so they should be careful in what they eat. While tomato is a common food in our life, and it is loved by many people. Thereby, many patients with kidney disease may have this question: is tomato good for patients with kidney disease?

Benefits of tomato for patients with kidney disease

Preventing cardiovascular disease: tomato has abundant lycopene, which has well antioxidation. This function of tomato can prevent the accumulation of lipid polymer in vessel wall, which is in favor of preventing angiosclerosis and angiemphraxis, and that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease greatly. Besides, there is a substance which is called P3 in tomato, which is helpful in preventing the coagulation of blood plate, and that is beneficial to the prevention of thrombus.

Diuresis: there are abundant potassium and alkaline substances in tomato, which are helpful in promoting the excretion of sodium, and that is beneficial to relieve edema and reduce hypertension. As we know, patients with kidney disease often have edema and hypertension, while this benefit is very useful for kidney disease patients.

Promoting digestion: the organic acids in tomato can promote the excretion of gastric juice, which is helpful in the digestion of fat and protein. And these substances can also improve the gastrointestinal function, which is helpful in the recovery of gastrointestinal diseases. Besides, eating tomato is also helpful in preventing and treating constipation.

Kidney disease patients often have gastrointestinal problems, and they often lose appetite. While this function is helpful in improving this aspect.

Other benefits: tomato also has many other benefits to our health. For example, it is very helpful in anti-aging. It is also very beneficial in preventing cancer. Besides, tomato is also helpful in anti-inflammation, replenishing blood, etc.

The tomato’s positive health properties are a result of the antioxidants and beneficial compounds found in the food. AARP.org notes that the main antioxidant in tomatoes is lycopene, which neutralizes harmful free radicals that can damage cells in the body. Tomatoes also contain beta-carotene, folic acid, and vitamins A, C and E. Additionally, tomatoes have exceptionally low energy density, which means a large serving size delivers only a small amount of calories and fat. According to the USDA, a cup of sliced tomatoes has just 30 calories and less than 0.5 g fat.

Eating cooked tomatoes and processed tomato products can deliver many of the same health benefits as raw tomatoes, although some enzymes and beneficial compounds are destroyed in the cooking and production processes. If you have specific questions related to tomatoes in your diet, talk them over with your physician or a registered dietitian before making any significant changes to your current eating plan.

Thereby, patients should consult their doctor’s advice before they decide whether they should list tomato into their eating plan. Or you can also contact us if you have any problem, and we must give you answer in time.


Experts tell you the nutritional value of strawberries for kidney disease

Kidney disease
Strawberry is a type of fruit. Because it has alluring colour and smell, along with its beautiful shape, strawberry has the good reputation of “queen of fruits”.Here, we may have the question: can kidney disease patients eat strawberry?Today, you will get the answer from the following content.

Approximately 100g of strawberries contain 8g sugar, 0.4-0.6g of protein, 50-100mg of vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, carotene, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Above nutrition determines strawberries have some benefits if you have PKD. One of these modest benefits is to help improve kidney function and keep creatinine level in the normal range because of containing high vitamin. The additional benefit is to ease patients’ anemia, one common complication of kidney disease.

Strawberries are good source of vitamins. They help the body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and scavenge against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species that play s role in various disease processes.

Kidney disease patients often suffer from renal osteopathy. Strawberries contains rich manganese, which is great for the bones. It can help in bone building and maintaining proper bone structure.

Vitamin and pectin in strawberry are substances that will help the function of intestines and stomach. Gastrointestinal problems are frequent symptoms of kidney failure. Vitamin and pectin of strawberry can help intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of gastric juice, a significant promotion in digestion.

Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of death for all people with kidney disease. Flavonoids, high fiber content, folate, and high levels of antioxidants in strawberries lower the risk for cardiovascular disease.

Of course, there are also many other health benefits for strawberries, such as promote eye health, good for weight loss and prevent cancer.

kidney disease, there are different requirements for diet. And you should adjust your intake according to your medical condition. Strawberries are good source of various minerals. Too much minerals intake may stress on your kidney, so you should consult your doctor to make sure whether your medical condition is suitable for strawberries or not and how much you can take.

Want to learn more healthy diet kidney disease, please consult our website to contact with experts

Nutritional value of apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar
I knew that the acids in apple cider vinegar improve digestion and deter the growth of disease-causing bacteria in the digestive tract. The minerals potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium bind to the acids and neutralize them when the digestive tract needs to be more alkaline.  But there are a lot of things I did not know about it.  When I researched it for myself, I wanted to share it with you, too.

Apple cider vinegar is a concentration of acids, flavonoids, polyphenols, pectin, enzymes, minerals, and amino acids that form during fermentation. Scientists have found about 90 different substances in apple cider vinegar, including 13 kinds of carbolic acids, 4 aldehydes, 20 ketones, 18 types of alcohols, 8 ethyl acetates and much more.  Nutrients include:

Acids – acetic, isobutyric, lactic, malic, and propionic

Amino acids – the number and amount depends on its source with some having antioxidant properties.

Beta-carotene – helps prevent cancer and protects the body against damage caused by exposure to toxic chemicals

Boron – is found abundantly in fresh apples. It is a key mineral that assists other bone-building minerals also found in apple cider vinegar like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Enzymes – are built from protein molecules and have many duties in the body. Those suffering from indigestion, gas, or bloating lack the essential digestive enzymes needed to digest food properly. Fresh apples are loaded with enzymes, which increase as vinegar is made.  This is why it is important to buy apple cider vinegar with the Mother. That way you know the precious enzymes and nutrients have not been destroyed in processing.

Apple cider vinegar treatment has abundant pectin. Pectin is best for the growth of probiotic which will be able to absorb heavy metal ion like lead, Nickle and Cobalt and others. These heavy metal ion absorbed by probiotic cannot be digested by gastric juice. So toxins inside you can be removed by probiotic effectively. Like this, your itchy skin is alleviated to some degree.

To learn more about apple cider vinegar knowledge, please consult our website to provide you with more knowledge


Bitter gourd is a functional vegetable with beneficial effects on health

Kidney disease
Bitter gourd is a popular vegetable in some Asian countries, where the health benefits of the plant are well-known—particularly, its ability to lower blood glucose in diabetics. Bitter gourd has been used to treat diabetes in traditional medicine and is now commercially available as tea (from fruits or leaves), juice, extracts, and pills. Although these products promise health benefits, most of the manufacturers do not offer scientifically proven data on the effectiveness of bitter gourd or their products. However, in recent years researchers worldwide have started to focus on the antidiabetic effects of bitter gourd. The goal is to provide safe and clear preparation and dosage recommendations so that consumers will realize the greatest benefit from consuming fresh bitter gourd or bitter gourd products.
It is scientifically proven: bitter gourd lowers blood glucose levels!

In the first place, we should know that patients with kidney disease should limit intake of bitter gourd in daily life, the below is reasons:

1. Phosphorus

Deposition of phosphorus is very common for patients with kidney disease. And bitter gourd contains phosphorus, so eating much bitter gourd can put more pressure on kidney, affecting kidney function.

2. Much potassium

There are much potassium in bitter gourd. For patients with kidney disease, they are very prone to high potassium in body, so much intake of potassium can make deposition of potassium worse, affecting kidney function.

3. Protein

There are also some protein in bitter gourd, which can produce urea when decomposed in body. And urea is a waste, which can make kidney carry more burdens.

4. Sodium

Sodium can contribute to elevation of blood pressure, and high blood pressure is very common for patients with kidney disease. In this way, much bitter gourd can do harm to patients with kidney disease.

Bitter gourd treatments of cell cultures or feeding trials with laboratory animals such as mice or rats show bitter gourd does have blood glucose lowering properties. Bitter gourd is not like most medicinal drugs, which are effective only in one target organ or tissue; rather, it influences glucose metabolism all over the body.
Bitter gourd lowers dietary carbohydrate digestion

Bitter gourd can play a role in the prevention and treatment of Type II diabetes, which is also called insulin-independent diabetes or adult onset diabetes. This form of the disease usually occurs in people who are overweight and inactive. In Type II diabetes, the liver, skeletal muscle, and fat tissues do not respond adequately to insulin—they are “insulin resistant.” Feeding trials with insulin resistant or Type II diabetic rats and mice have shown that bitter gourd helps to prevent or reverse insulin resistance (Nerurkar et al. 2008, Klomann et al. 2010). People with insulin resistance or those with a high risk of developing Type II diabetes have a good chance to prevent and treat the disease without drugs by increasing their physical activity and changing their diet.
Bitter gourd prevents diabetic complications

Being overweight is one of the most important risk factors for diabetes and other diseases, and Type II diabetes is often accompanied by hypertension, high plasma cholesterol, or high plasma lipids. Together, these conditions increase the risk of stroke or heart attack. For overweight Type II diabetic patients, bitter gourd can help to improve health. In mice and rats, bitter gourd has been shown to reduce hypertension (Singh et al. 2004), plasma cholesterol (Nerurkar et al. 2008), and plasma lipids (Nerurkar et al. 2008). Apart from this, bitter gourd helps weight loss. There is also evidence that bitter gourd might be effective in cancer treatment.
More bitter gourd does not help more. Please be careful!

Exclusive consumption of bitter gourd, bitter gourd juice, or other bitter gourd products can lead to dangerous hypoglycemia when consumed by diabetic patients under oral drug treatment, in too high dosages, by children, or on a hungry stomach. Pregnant or breastfeeding woman should not consume bitter gourd or bitter gourd products.

If you want to know more diet about kidney disease, please talk with our online doctors, or email us to sjzhospitalrenal@hotmail.com. It is a great honor that we can do you a favor.

Valor nutricional de las peras tienen un impacto significativo en la enfermedad renal

Diabetic nephropathy
Fruits can provide the abundant vitamins, mineral substance and dietary fiber. In the past, people thought that Diabetes patients could not eat fruits, which is because that fruits contain lots of sugers.

As a matter of fact, most of the sugars in fruits are fructoses. The absorption and metabolism of fructose don’t need the help of insulin, but diabetics can not eat too much, that is because fructose has an influence on blood fat. From the point of view of the glycemic index (GI) of blood sugar, the GI of most fruits is less than 55, they are belong to low-GI foods and don’t have a big effect on the blood sugar, except for watermelon and seedless grape. So Diabetes patients can choose some fruits with low GI. The higher the acidity of fruits is, less it affects the blood sugar, such as plum and tangerine.

Certain foods must be avoided to maintain the best possible health. However, while eliminating or greatly reducing electrolytes or other food elements that are potentially harmful to someone with CKD, the person may also be eliminating essential protein, vitamins and minerals. Therefore protein, vitamin and mineral supplements are often prescribed as replacement therapy. Medicines that help patients eliminate unwanted levels of other electrolytes found in many foods are also prescribed. So the renal diet can be a difficult balancing act.

What should diabetics pay attention to when eating fruits?

1. Diabetes patients had better not eat fruits immediately before or after dinner. The suggested time is 10am or 3pm or one hour before going to bed.

2. When the blood sugar has not been controlled well, it is ok for diabetics don’t have fruits temporarily. When blood sugar is controlled well, they can enjoy the yummy fruits.

3. The carbohydrate content in all kinds of fruits is about 6%-20%. Diabetics should choose the fruits with low sugar content and low GI. Generally speaking, orange, apple, pear and kiwi are suitable for diabetics. Fruits with high sugar content like ripe banana, leechee, red dates, pineapple and grape should be eaten less. There are no fruits which are forbidden strictly.

4. When eating fruits, you should consider your physical condition. Patients with deficiency-cold in spleen and stomach should avoid eating cool fruits, such as pear, watermelon. Patients with endogenous heat should avoid leechee and red bayberry.

5. The amount of fruits you eat should not be much. 200g per day is ok. You can eat different kinds of fruits with different CI every day.

Para obtener más información, por favor consulte a nuestros expertos


Nutritional value of corn is good for kidney disease

Kidney disease
corn is rich in antioxidants and beneficial phytonutrients, and asserts that canned corn might offer more benefits than the fresh variety. When cooked, corn releases a compound called ferulic acid, which might help prevent cancer. In addition to ferulic acid, canned corn contains healthy amounts of minerals and vitamins. One cup contains 420 mg of potassium, significantly more than the amount found in a small banana. This essential mineral is necessary for maintaining stable blood pressure. Canned sweet corn also provides 2.404 mg of niacin -- or vitamin B-3 -- per cup. Vitamin B-3 helps release energy from food, reduce high blood pressure and maintain a healthy digestive tract. Finally, lutein and zeaxanthin -- a pair of antioxidant carotenoids that might help prevent macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease -- are present, with 82 mg per cup.
Canned sweet corn can be high in salt, with some brands containing as much as 545 mg of sodium per cup -- close to a quarter of the recommended dietary allowance. MedlinePlus reports that excessive dietary salt can lead to fluid retention and increased blood pressure in sodium-sensitive individuals; the website recommends getting no more than 2,300 mg of sodium a day. If you are over 51, are African American or have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease, the recommended amount is no more than 1,500 mg per day. Look for canned corn with no added salt; the sodium level drops to a modest 31 mg per cup.
According to a research, the corn have the highest nutritional value and health care function among all the staple foods. But is it good for patients with kidney failure?

In terms of diet, patients with kidney failure should consume a low-protein diet to reduce the burden of kidney. However, high-quality protein is required to ensure enough nutrition for our body. Though corn is a low-protein food, it is low-quality food too. So for patients with kidney failure, especially who are on dialysis, corn is not suggested to eat as a supplement of protein.

It is reported that corn is rich in potassium and phosphorus. Patients with kidney failure are easily to be attacked by high level of potassium and phosphorus because of kidney damage. The kidney has a function of keeping electrolyte balance. For patients with high level of potassium and phosphorus, it is not wise to take in too much corn.

The good effects to our body.

However, corn indeed has some protective functions. The abundant unsaturated fatty acid has a great effect on hyperlipemia by reducing the blood cholesterol level and it is can also reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

The nutrients in corn can improve the metabolism of our body as well as regulate the order of immune system. The vitamin B6 can also stimulate peristalsis and help discharge the waste product in our body.
Virtually no side effects are tied to canned sweet corn, unless you are allergic to corn. In that case, you should avoid not only canned sweet corn, but also cornstarch, corn syrup, corn oil, corn sweeteners and popcorn. Doctors used to 
advise people with diverticulitis -- an inflammation of the tiny pouches in the small intestine -- to avoid nuts, seeds and corn; that caveat is less common today. According to MedPage Today, research has shown that corn is harmless in those with diverticulitis. However, if you have diverticulitis and experience worsening of symptoms after eating corn, you should avoid it.

Nutritional management focus kidney patients is to reduce the accumulation of waste

Kidney disease

Currently, more than 20 million Americans have impaired kidney function, with an estimated 3 million people being newly diagnosed every year. Chronic Kidney Disease can require huge adjustments, especially with regard to the necessary dietary changes. If you have this disease, the food you eat becomes more important than ever before. Historically, health care professionals have been skeptical about people with kidney disease adhering to a vegetarian diet. However, with careful planning, a vegetarian diet is not only safe but also can be helpful in managing Chronic Kidney Disease. Research shows a vegetarian diet can actually slow down the progression of kidney function decline and other complications associated with this disease Eating more fruits and vegetables may help protect the kidneys by reducing kidney injury and metabolic acidosis.

Nutrition management focuses on decreasing waste product build-up from digested foods, which would normally leave the body as urine. Therefore, the primary goal of diet planning is threefold:

Obtaining the appropriate amount of plant protein to meet protein needs while minimizing waste product build-up in the blood
Maintaining sodium, potassium, and phosphorus balance
Ensuring good nutrition
The following information is meant to be an initial guide to those with early kidney disease (30-90 percent of normal kidney function) who are not receiving dialysis treatments. More careful follow-up is recommended, especially when kidney function decreases below 30 percent or when regular dialysis treatment is required. As always, consult your health provider regarding your individual needs.


People with chronic kidney disease should modify the amount of protein they eat. Since plant proteins are less demanding on kidney clearance, this restriction does not need to be as severe as with animal protein diets. Keeping to 0.8 g of protein per kg body weight is recommended, with approximately two-thirds coming from quality plant protein, such as the sources listed in Table

The American Association of Kidney Patients recommends reducing animal proteins which are high in purines that convert to uric acid in the kidneys. Urine then becomes too acidic, which leads to the formation of uric acid crystals that are deposited in the kidneys as kidney stones. Uric acid crystals also deposit in joints, causing gouty arthritis. Replace poultry, red meats and fish with vegetarian sources of protein, such as soy or legumes, combined with whole grains to form complete proteins.

Too much phosphorus intake can cause or worsen hyperparathyroidism, itching skin, bone problem, therefore it is better that kidney disease patients should not eat high-phosphorus foods including roasted soybeans, flax seed, bacon, nuts, sesame seeds, sesame butter, cheese, toasted wheat germ, pumpkin, squash and watermelon seeds, etc.

Chocolate, Dairy and Nuts
The body's electrolyte balance is controlled by the kidneys. If they are not working properly due to disease or other conditions impacting their function, electrolytes must be reduced to avoid straining the kidneys. Phosphorus blocks the absorption of calcium, so reducing the following high-phosphorus foods will help retain needed calcium, recommends the American Association of Kidney Patients. Cut back on cocoa, nuts, chocolate, vegetables, carbonated drinks and dairy products. Eat only one portion of these foods per day, especially cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt and hard cheeses, which are high in . But if patients begins to show the signs of high serum potassium or high serum phosphorus, it is better that some certain fruits and veggies should be avoided or at least limited.

Want to learn more knowledge of kidney disease diet, please contact our experts that he would make a reasonable answer for you.